In the learning spaces tour organised by 4TU, Valentina Tassone and Lèneke Pfeiffer shared the impact and needs study results of the ENtRANCE project survey. As well as the innovation efforts to foster transdisciplinary learning in one of the Wageningen University courses.

4TU is a collaboration effort of the four technological Universities in the Netherlands (Technical University Delft, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente and University of Wageningen). They are jointly committed to strengthening their technical knowledge and know how to contribute to socially relevant and outstanding research. In this year, 2019, each university is asked to organise a day to showcase its innovative learning spaces for lectures, support staff and others who are interested in the added value of innovative learning spaces for education.

March 12th, 2019 Wageningen University organised this day on its campus in Wageningen and the course Academic Consultancy Training and the Science shop were asked to share their experiences and insights related to real-life and authentic learning. We took this opportunity to share results and activities of the ENtRANCE project. Sharing this with the participants caused a fertile discussion about the relevance of real life learning, for teachers, students and societal actors.