May 20th till 31st, 22 visitors from 5 universities in Myanmar, Laos & Cambodia explored the education system of Wageningen UR and how to connect academia and society. The Science Shop, Academic Consultancy Training course and the ENTRANCE training were presented as inspiring models.


The names of those 5 universities are:

– Yangon Technological University (YTU), Myanmar;
– University of Yangon (UY), Myanmar;
– National University of Laos (NUOL), Lao PDR;
– Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC),
– Cambodia; Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Cambodia


14th of May the Science Shop Wageningen University and Research organised a lunch meeting for its project leaders. While having a pleasant lunch Lèneke Pfeiffer shared the ENtRANCE results of the impact study. In small groups the participants discussed and shared ideas related to how to increase societal impact through the Science Shop projects.