The Living Knowledge Network is an international Science Shop Network, set up for people interested in building partnerships for public access to research. Every two years academics, practitioners, activists, social innovators, research funders, science educators and communicators, citizen scientists, policy makers, NGOs, artists, interested community groups and citizens gather for the Living Knowledge Conference. The 8th edition of this conference was hosted by the Corvinus Business School of Corvinus University of Budapest in Hungary, from 30th May to 1st June 2018. Over 250 participants from 33 countries, including the ENtRANCE Science Shops of Brussels (BE) and Wageningen (NL), joined workshops and discussions about public engagement in research, explained our ENtRANCE plans, learned about other good community based research/learning practices… and did some dancing in the end too (re picture)! The next Living Knowledge conference will be returning to the birthplace of the science shop movement, the Netherlands, and will be held at the University of Groningen in June 2020. More information on the Living Knowledge Conference and the Network can be found at

LK 8th picture at conference

Presentation in the 8th Living Knowledge Conference

LK8 picture 2 dancing

Conference people dancing